Sex and Pornography Addiction and Psychosexual Counselling in Plymouth and Devon

Gambling Addiction. Gamblingphone

Gambling Addiction

I have been working with people impacted by gambling and their partners for approximately 3 years. Being a compulsive gambler can harm you and impact your relationships as well as leaving you in serious debt. If you feel you have a problem with gambling or feel your partner may be gambling more than they can afford to loose, contact me for an initial appointment.

Why Do People Gamble?

There are many reasons why people gamble and something that started as a fun past-time can soon start to feel out of control. We might think we are chasing the 'big win' or we are doing it 'for the money' but this is rarely the full story. Helping you to understand your journey into gambling, the nature of addiction, how it can impact on our brains and ability to make healthy decisions as well as giving you the resources to take back control are all part of my therapy.


If you have discovered that your partner has secret debt and has been gambling you will find it very difficult to trust. Talking to someone about how you are feeling and helping you with your own recovery is just as important as working with your partner.

I am based in confidential offices in Plymouth.

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